Sunday, August 10, 2008

Back on the PC saddle

This week was the first solid week on PCs. State TTs are done so now is a time to get reaquainted with the PCs. Monday was the longest ride to date at 2.5 hours, split into 2 rides (morning ride of 1.5 hours, evening ride of 1 hour). Wednesday was spent doing a type of interval workout. I wanted to do a tempo ride, but my legs were getting too tired. Instead it was 60 seconds in upper L3 to L4 followed by 60 seconds in L2. Did this for an hour. I just need to take baby steps to get the same kind of power I'm used to with regular cranks but with the PCs. Thursday was a 2.5 hour ride, and Sunday a 2 hour ride. The only ride on regular cranks was a 3 hour group ride at race pace. 9 hours of PCs this week.

PC time this week - 9 hours
PC time to date - 13 hours

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done.